Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Thorns of Roses

I pricked my finger on a thorn once.
It was froma rosebush, that had
beautiful red roses.
As I watched the blood trickle,
I noticed the velvet petals and
leaned forward to smell one.
I suppose life isn't always
full of roses.
People admire the beautiful flowers,
but forget about the lurking thornls.
But sometimes it takes that
one sharp pain to help you
notice the beauty of everything
And appreciate the life you have.
Just like the thorns of a rose.


Anonymous said...

what the hell is froma?


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, that's something to think about...

Anonymous said...

Deep shit

It's like when someone has to have shit thrown at them to get them to notice a person trying to get their attention

But instead the person is life...